It's The Great Pumpkin

Nothing better than a fun night
 of pumpkin decorating.
The kids arrived in their jammies.
Ready for bed since tomorrow is a school day.

It all began with dinner.
We ate mummy strips (fettucine alfredo).
Mark makes the best!
We had pond skum (piña coladas with green food coloring).
Sorry, no pics.

Publix provided dessert.
If you aren't from the east coast,
you are missing out on the best grocery store ever.

I considered letting my grandkids carve the pumpkins
but they love to paint so much that 
I decided that would work just fine.

I started by gathering my paints, 
brushes, stickers, markers and whatever else I could think of.

I already had an arsenal of supplies.

We love crafting!

Painting is serious business.

Eli was going for Frankenstein.

The pumpkin below really prefers that iPad.

I think next year I will attempt to let them carve out their pumpkins.

I love being able to make memories with them.

Hope you are having a happy week!!

"Well, let's face it! 
Santa Claus has more publicity."
(Linus in his letter to the Great Pumpkin)

so true 

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