Jacksonville Zoo

Abi took me to the zoo this week.

"MiMi, I want to see the long-neckers!"

Can you see the lion?

We had so much fun that we decided 
to bring the siblings the next day. 

The zoo currently is staging a dinosaur exhibit.
The dinosaurs exhibit is strategically placed 
in the zoo's swampy area. 
The realistic features do not disappoint.
From startling movements to alerting screeching sounds.
One surprising creature spews water at by passers.

Elijah was willing to protect his sisters.

Dani was quick to remind me that dinosaurs are extinct and these were just replica's. 

It ended on a lighter note

which allowed the kids to climb and see they were in fact, 
just replica's.

 The zoo has several places for the kids 
to jump, climb, slide and play.

It was a perfect week here in north Florida 
to make use of that seasonal zoo pass.

Hope you are having wonderful "zoo weather" 
wherever you may be.

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