Magnolia Farms

Mark planned a weekend getaway for our anniversary.
He knows how to make me happy.
We flew out to see our Kristen & her hubby. We spent a couple fabulous days in San Antonio.
Then, we drove to Waco to see the Magnolia Farms.

We arrived after it was closed so we did a walk-about
and snapped some pictures.

Bright and early
the next morning,
Finally, I was able to check it out!

It was exactly like we have seen it on Fixer Upper.
Pristine little garden.

Who doesn't love food trucks?

The infamous Silo's.

 Mark & I had fun walking around 
and plundering through the store.

We ended our visit quicker than we planned so we did a tour bus ride through Waco which was educational and fun.
They drove through and showed some of the homes that have been featured on the show.
They drove through Baylor.
It was neat to see all the places Chip and Jo have talked about through the years.

They sure have made a mark on that small town
and even a bigger mark on all of us who love our own 
"Fixer Upper" projects.

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