Chicken Coop

Your first chickens are kinda like your first kid.
My first child, bless his heart,
had to teach me how to be a mom.
I had to learn on him.
He will always have a special place in my heart.
I truly didn't know anything about birthing babies.

Sorry to compare my Daniel to my first batch of chickens. Ha!

I'm really enjoying learning about chickens
and all that is involved in raising them.
After the first night of owning 5 chickens,
I jumped up early the next morning
and ran outside to see all 5 were still alive.
I knew then that 
I would be able to do this.

I wanted to share some pictures of our chicken coop.

 Mark cut out this window so the kids could look inside.

Abi has to stand on the block to be tall enough to peek in.

Kacey and Dani trying to coax them out.

Here is their laying boxes.
No eggs yet.

I really am attached to the chickens.
Red has a special place in my heart.
She will jump in my lap and eat from my hand.
Man I hope she is a she.

I am a far cry from a vegetarian but must admit
I have a hard time swallowing chicken now.
I just don't think about it.

It's been a learning process.
It is really easy.
I enjoy that they keep my flower beds weeded 
while they are searching for bugs.
Winner, winner chicken dinner.
Ok, maybe not dinner. 

Hopefully, we will be having fresh eggs soon.
You will be the first to know.

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