We Love To Fly & It Shows

Other than being far from family,
Albuquerque was perfect.

The weather is great.
No humidity.
No bugs.
The views are spectacular.
The food, oh how I miss the food!
You can play golf in the morning and snow ski in the afternoon.

My in-laws and sister-in-law flew out before we moved to Kansas.

I was excited to show them around
 and to spoil them  
while they were in our home.

We took them up to the top of the mountain.
There is a 20 minute tram that takes you up 
and the views are beautiful. 
We always time it so we are able to enjoy the sunset once we are at the top.

This is Josh, Mark & Dad

While we were at the top,
we had dessert in the restaurant up there.
Guess who was in the restaurant?
You'll never guess, go ahead, I'll wait…

Sam Donaldson

Actually, I wouldn't have noticed him 
but my SIL has a quick eye.

I pretended to take a picture of Delores and zoomed right in on the poor man trying to have a private dinner with some lady. 

When we weren't seeing the sites and shopping,
we lazed around our backyard patio.

I loved spending extra time with family.

I decided to fly home with them and the guy at the Delta counter smiled on us and placed all 4 of us in 1st class.

It was so great to see them in first class.
They offered dad breakfast and he turned it down 
until I told him it was free.
No peanuts for us baby!

It turned out to be a wonderful week 
that I will remember always.

(google images)


I had to share some recent pictures of my grandkids.
Their skills are progressing right along.
Eli isn't satisfied with anything but a blue ribbon. 

Kacey is intense. 
She is strong and can handle a more stubborn horse. 

Dani Mae has a horse with a injured foot.
She is riding a new horse and decided 
to have mommy walk along during the race.

Abigail is purely happy to be on any horse.

Oh, if only you could hear her laugh while 
she rides or yell "giddy-up."
It's priceless.
I can't get over the fact that a small child can control 
such a large animal.

I love that my grandkids have this privilege. 


We have been in search for a church to call 
"home" since we moved here 6 months ago.

I thought it would be easier.

There are churches on just about every corner.
Maybe I'm too picky.

I told Mark today that maybe
we need to just commit to one close to home.
I think I should just be thankful
to worship with others who love God.
Does it matter if the music isn't just right?
Does the preacher have to be my style?

Now that I say that out loud,
I am rotten.
I'm going to work on it.
We are blessed to live in America.

The day was gorgeous today.
Went for a bike ride.
I have a beautiful park near home.

I am in the market for a kayak.
Don't you think I need one?

Hope you are having a glorious day!

Would You Rather?

I was looking for a fun, weekly questionaire.
 I remembered an ice-breaker Mark used  
back in the day when he was a youth pastor. 
Hopefully, it won't be too deep 
because Lord knows, 
deep I'm not. 

The questions are to encourage thought.
There can be only one answer, 
you can't answer "both".

On that note,
let's give it a whirl.

Would You Rather…

1. be rich or famous?

Would You Rather…

2. have a great body or a great mind?

Would You Rather...
3. go back in time and meet your ancestors or go way into the future and meet your great grandchildren?

1.  I would rather be rich. 
Famous people do not impress me. I can't think of a famous person that I'd care to meet. Weird? maybe
I enjoy giving and would love to be able to do more of it.

2. Body or smarts, can't I have both? Actually, I'd take either. 
I guess I'll take the great mind. 
I'm at the stage of life where my prayer is to be able to keep what mind I still have. 

3. I love this question. If either were a possibility, they both could result in joy or disappointment.
I'm going to take the latter.
I can't imagine how smitten I would be by my great grandchildren. 

Hope your weekend is perfect!

If I had looked at her before, I may have answered differently. 

March Madness

I had a dream that we lost by 4.
Whew! I was glad when I woke up to find we hadn't played yet. 

Go Gators!!

Monogram Love

I love a monogram. 
Josh bought me one for my birthday and I gotta tell you,
I love it.

I have it on my front door and enjoy it  
every time I walk out the door.

I recently came across the Marley Lilly app.
Are you familiar with it?
Just look what you can do!
Do you see the possibilities?

I'm thinking about printing it on an iron-on.
Iron on a shirt or a hat.
I could print and frame it and that by itself 
would be great.
This may just rock my world.

Do you have any ideas?

By the way…
it's a free app. 
They sell stuff but I haven't got past the point 
of making monograms.

I have to get off this computer because today is the 27th.
You know what that means, don't you?
I was married on the 27th and therefore,
it's "Date Night" with my man.
Don't get too excited,
it's probably BBQ and Home Depot.

I hope you are having a great day!

Growing Up

Oh how I love these kids.

Being a MiMi is such a gift!
Who knew?

I had no idea 
2,131 days ago what joy 
was bestowed on me when they placed 
that baby boy in my arms.

He will be 6 this year.
Time is rushing by.

I pray for their safety and health
but above all,
I pray they find joy.

These Are A Few Of My Favorite Things

When the dog bites!
When the bee stings. 
Ok, I will stop there.

A while ago my sweet friend, Kim who I love and adore 
gave me a "smash book".
Do you know what that is?
(google images)

Well, if memory serves me correct, 
I had one my senior year in high school.
It was called a "slam book" back then.

It's a journal/scrapbook which allows you 
to jot down what's on your mind 
and keep record of the things that make you smile. 
It comes with a pen/glue stick so you are able to write or glue keepsakes like theater tickets or photos or whatever else you may want to document.  
Everybody needs one.

When you have a happy thought, go grab it and jot it down.
The beautiful thing is, when you find yourself in a lull, you can grab it and thumb through it. 
It's a total "game changer" in my mood.

Don't you just want to share those little things that make you happy with the people you love or like or someone that will just listen?
Like for instance, 
my husband will change the blade in my razor 
for no reason except he loves me. 
He knows that I can go with the same blade for a couple years. 
I do love a new blade but don't think of it till I'm in the shower 
and it's too late to get out, dry off and find the correct blade.
Other examples of little things that I love…
a groomed yard thrills me
 or how about laundry that smells good.
I recently received a trial size of Un-stopables 
& I gotta tell you,
this stuff just makes me happy.

What are the little things that thrill you?

Hope you are having a great week!
I am also very thankful for YOU!

I simply remember my favorite things 
& then I don't feel so bad.

This Doesn't Look Like Home Toto

In 2012 
I found out Mark & I had less than a month to load up
everything that I couldn't live without in a Penske truck
 and move across the country to Albuquerque, NM.
I tried not to focus on leaving our family.
I tried to find the adventure in our circumstance.
My goal was to
put my big girl panties on &
practice what I have preached 
for lots of years
by trusting God. 
I do trust Him but that doesn't always 
make everything easy, does it?

Imagine our shock
after less than a year in Albuquerque,
Mark gets offered a promotion that he couldn't refuse.
Once again,
we had about 6 weeks to pack everything
and move to Kansas.
Everything I know about Kansas I learned
from The Wizard Of Oz.
I flew out twice to find us a house to no avail.
Out of desperation,
I rented a house off of Zillow,
site unseen.

First thing we did after we unloaded the truck
was to go buy some rakes.
Never have I witnessed a move beautiful Fall.

Raised in Florida,
it was winter that I was looking forward to.

I love this winter wonderland.
It is like... magic.

That's where I am now

in Kansas

trusting God.

Kristen's Birthday

March is the month we celebrate Kristen and her birthday.
This year Mark & I flew to Florida for the big day.

First stop…

How fun!
We told her to pick out everything she wanted.

(I borrowed this pic off google images because the website doesn't show the actual one she chose.)

She tried on lots of amazing clothes 
& added her faves to the basket.
I'd share pics but I don't remember what all she got.

Then she decided she needed a butter dish.
Yes please.
We celebrated the whole weekend 
& topped it off with a party at my parents house.

Happy Birthday my pretty little princess.

These special times, these moments…

A Whole New World

My life…these last few years...
It's been a whirlwind.
Who am I?
Where am I?
Where will I be?
These are the questions I'd like to have an answer for.
I can hear my grandmother "this too shall pass." 

I deleted my former blog which I loved for reasons which I may share later but for now, I'm excited to be back and to have an outlet to share my thoughts and what my heart truly loves.

While we are on the subject of what I love, let me just get it out there to describe "Wendy" in a nutshell.
My heart loves Jesus more than anything. He is my everything. 
I adore my husband. 
He caught me checking him out back 
in the early 80's at Liberty University. 
My opinion of the only reason I needed 
to obtain higher education was to hook a smart, 
educated man who loved God. 
(30 plus years later and my plan worked)

My 3 kids, I can hardly type for the tears of pride and love 
I have for these who I have been so blessed. 
Daniel, my firstborn, taught me how to be a mother. 
He deserves an award.  
His wife Danielle is close to perfect.
They have 4 precious kids who, if I'm going to be honest, 
hold the key to my heart in their tiny precious hands.
Josh is living with us out here in Kansas. 
He is a blessing and I'm thankful that if God chose to 
move me away from EVERYTHING, 
at least he allowed us to bring Josh. 
Kristen is my angel daughter and BFF. 

I am blessed with family and friends who challenge me and pray for me to be the best version of myself possible.

I love decorating our home, cooking, crafting & finding bargains, wherever that may be. I walk and bike lots of miles each week. I love being outside in the yard.

At the end of this, my first post,
I am reminded of what I already knew…
I have things that need to be said.
Oh how I love blogging!

Hope to see you again. 
Have a great day!

Love to all,