One Glorious Summer

Fall is around the corner.
I've been ready since the middle of July.
I don't remember a summer so hot.
I am pretty sure it has something to do with my age.

I must say,
it was a glorious summer.
We moved to our dream location on the river.

Our daughter married the dream of her life.

Welcome to the family Felix! 
You are exactly what we needed.
Thank you for making my daughter happy.

We did a little traveling.
South Florida, Texas, North Carolina 
but pretty much stayed around home.

We have spent many wonderful hours 
with family and friends.
Logged plenty of beach hours,

and spend the night with MiMi hours.

Nothing cuter than sleeping kids.
They are worn out from the 
hours of searching for Pokemon.

It has been a jam-packed summer.
Did I mention I am so ready for Fall?

If you follow me on Pinterest,
you have seen these but I think I need them.
They speak to me.

So non-traditional.
Who am I?
I know!

I love them.
I need some pumpkins.

Bring on the Fall!