Stormy Days

Our family has been through some 
rough times in the past few weeks.
My sweet father-in-law went home to the Lord a few weeks ago.
We had been watching him going downhill 
since he fell last December.
I find peace knowing he is with Jesus.
He has no more pain & suffering.

Of course, I miss him like crazy and it makes 
my hope of heaven even more exciting.
This is one of my more favorite pictures of him.

He was a Baptist preacher most of his adult life.
My favorite thing about him was his love for people.
He was one of the few pastors who knew how to 
love and shepherd his church.
He loved our family.
He loved our kids and grandkids and he always 
told me he loved me.
He told me that he prayed for me before I was born.
I love that!

I got a new bedroom suite this weekend and I was thinking in my head, "I can't wait to show dad."
I don't know how long it will be before I get used to the fact that he no is longer here.

The next tough thing, which obviously doesn't compare, is
the fact that Mark is still working in Kansas.
He has been home for the last 2 weeks 
and today he flew back to KC.
I can't wait till this separation is over.
I think the older we get, the more we need to be together.
I'm no good without him.
Time Hop of FaceBook posted this pic today. 
Like they knew just what I needed.

my emotions have been up and down for awhile now.
All in all, 
what I mainly see is how blessed my life is.
I can't get over how God has given me the best of the best.
He is so good!

I love that in going through life's "storms,"
we can find peace because of Christ.

Hope I don't sound too depressing.

Life isn't always peaches and cream, is it?
Good thing,
I don't even like peaches.

"Dear Jesus..."

Abi's prayer before her egg and grits breakfast.
"Dear Jesus,
thank you for everyone, 
please help my dinosaur bone to get better, 
thank you for the food. 

Little miss broke her collar bone a couple weeks ago.
Broke my heart to see her in pain.
She begged not to drive over any bumps.

She fell off the sofa one night.
She's been a trooper through the whole ordeal.

I am blessed to be taking care of her each day 
this year while Danielle and the siblings are in school. 

She loves to cuddle
which is perfect for me.
I have a lot of catch-up to do for the 3 years of her life 
that I was moving around the country. 

Expect lots of Abi-isms. 
She is smart and really funny.
Pure entertainment.

"Dear Jesus,
thank you for blessing me
with everything!"

A couple weekends ago I headed north on I-75 with 
Dani & Abigail in the backseat.
What would have been a long boring drive 
turned out to be filled with laughing, singing 
and too many to count bathroom breaks. 
We sang and giggled for most of the 6 hour trip.

We were on our way to the State horseshow.
Kacey, Elijah and Danielle had accumulated enough points
to earn them a position in the State championship.

I had to stop by Hartsfield International Airport 
to pick up Mark along the way.
Imagine my surprise as we passed the 
Georgia National Fairgrounds
 2 hours before we got to Atlanta. Whew!
I don't know why I thought it was closer to Atlanta.
Oh well, the girls were good sports when they realized 
we had to drive 4 hours out of the way.
What a Happy Meal will buy!

This was Kacey's first year to qualify for State.
I am so proud of her.

Her competitiveness and determination is impressive. 

Sweet girl!

This was also Elijah's first year to State.

I am so proud of him.
He remembered all the teaching and practicing 
he has worked on all year.

I love to watch the kids progress each year.

My sweet boy.

We stayed nearby in a hotel and spent the days at the fairgrounds.
We rented golf carts and played the whole weekend.
There were dog shows and goat shows.
Several ponds to catch fish.

Danielle's parents are pro's at these events.
They had enough food for an army.
They had tents set up with a big ole TV 
because we had to have football.
It was the opening weekend for college ball.

Mark & I were in heaven hanging with these sweeties all weekend.

Mark & I headed home before Danielle's ride.
Thankfully, I got a video.

She amazes me!

It was a special weekend.
The kids are already excited about next year.

Back Home

It's been forever!
I missed you!
I have lots of good excuses!
Actually, I don't know where to begin.

It has been a whirlwind since we pulled out of the driveway in Olathe, Kansas
to move back home in Florida.

It's good to be home.
My soul feels content.
There is no place like home.

The hard part is my honey has to work in Kansas 
until Thanksgiving.
Part of me is missing until we are both living under the same roof.
That which doesn't kill us, makes us stronger.
Do we really need to be stronger?
Cliche statements are annoying.

I have been crazy busy and I'll have to share in a segment of posts. 
Mark usually has The Apple. 
I only enjoy blogging on The Apple.
I have the phone ap which allows blogging. 
I even have the iPad.
I can do it but I don't enjoy it like when I'm using The Apple.
I am used to it. It's comfortable for me.
This ole dog doesn't want to learn new tricks.
Cliche statements are annoying.

I hope you are having a wonderful day.
Hard to believe!
Come on Fall!