Metro Diner

Jacksonville has a charming little diner 
that is famous for 
waffles and fried chicken.

We were waiting for a table when Dani jumped up 
to imitate the painting on the wall.

If you are every in Jacksonville,
 make sure you stop at The Metro.
If the weather permits, sit out on the patio.
Totally worth it!

Ready For 2015

The year is almost history and good riddance to it!
It wasn't a bad year.
It wasn't a good year.
Although, December was suck-o!
To make a long month short to your ears...
My mom broke 2 bones in her back 
and is bed ridden for who knows how long.
Marks dad fell and broke his hip.
If I wasn't sure before, I am now...
the medical world will kill you. 
He is still in the hospital.
My brother got double pneumonia and was hospitalized.
My other brother totaled his vehicle
 when someone pulled out in front of him. 
He hurt his shoulder and ribs.

There is more but those are the main ones. 
It was crazy.

On a positive note,
I treasured every moment I could find with the family.

We got a hotel near the hospital.
We shopped.
We went on a train and saw beautiful lights 
through the Okeefenoke Swamp.
We played.
Made gingerbread houses.

Christmas through the eyes of children is such a joy.
Now that I am back in Kansas,
I wish I could have a do-over.

This picture was right after we got off the train ride 
through the swamp.
Yes, there were lots of alligators and snakes
 but all you could see was the pretty lights.
(thank goodness)

This picture is Kristen and myself.
We were very close to the "nutsoid" stage at this point.
Laughter is my "go-to" emotion.

Ya know, life is sometimes difficult.

I am thankful that I have an amazing family 
to walk through it with me.

I am thankful that I have the Lord 
and can cast my burdens on Him.
It's comforting to know that He cares for me.

Have I been begging for a working fireplace 
since we moved into this rental house? 
Did my landlord show up yesterday and install one?

Now I gotta figure out what to do with the mantel.
I always forget how I had it before the holidays.

Any suggestions?
The antlers have to go where they are 
because thats where the nail is.
Gotta work with what you have.
Maybe some greenery?

Happy New Year To You!

Beyond Blessed

Jacksonville has the most beautiful river.
The hospital where we've been living for the last week 
is right on the river.

Elijah was just outside the hospital. 
I guess if you have to be in a hospital,
pick one with a view.

If I have to be anywhere,
I choose to be with this kiddo.
It's no secret that I adore him.
He is close to perfect.

When I count my blessings,
he is right at the top of my list.

Don't I sound like a typical MiMi?
I am so blessed.

Precious Moments

His Ways Are Not Our Ways

Here's the plan...
1. Fly to Florida.
2. Swing by and pick up Mom.
3. Head to the Town Center to shop, shop, shop.

Sounded like the perfect plan, right?

Here's the reality...
1. Fly to Florida.
2. Mom hurt her back and got admitted to hospital.
3. Marks dad fell and broke his hip.

Now you see why I haven't posted anything in forever!
Who wants to hear sad news?
Not me!

They are both on the upswing 
so I am going to switch gears 
and focus on the positive.

Mark & I got a hotel and are planning 
on a wonderful weekend 
with shopping and just having fun.

Josh & Kristen fly in tomorrow! Woohoo!

I did get to get my hair done. 
I took Abi with me. 
She got a trim. 
 She is watching Frozen 
because she wants Kayla 
to give her a "Anna" braids.

She wanted the color too. 
Maybe next time.

It's the weekend!
Hope yours is great!

Beautiful Brussel Sprouts

While meandering through the aisles of Hen House,
I happened along these.
I was stopped in my tracks.

You mean brussels sprouts don't come in a bag?

I plan to research this phenomenon. 

Aren't they beautiful!?
God is so creative.

He Prayed For Snow

I'm having one of those days.
I just can't seem to get my tail into gear.
So, the way I see it...
get on the computer.

My sweet SIL is coming tomorrow to hang with me.
I should probably go clean a bathroom
but I'm really too excited.

Either that or my bones are too cold.
It's freezing here. 
Highs in the 20's.

Do I sound random and frustrated? 
Well I am and ya know why?
I can't shop for Christmas.
I will be in Florida for Christmas.
I tried shopping online and having the presents shipped 
but I'm not good at online shopping.
I want to see it and touch it and not pay for shipping.

Maybe I need to go make a list.
That's a good idea.

Any hoo,
Daniel & Danielle took the family to North Carolina for Thanksgiving this year.

Other than a few plumbing issues with the cabin,
they had a wonderful time and made some great memories.

This is the kids first time to see snow.
When they woke up to find the ground covered,
Elijah said, "I asked God to make it snow."
It continued to snow all day.

I love when God answers the prayer of a 6 year old.

And then there's Abigail.

She makes me happy.

Have a great day!

"I think you are really beautiful 
and I feel really warm when I'm around you 
and my tongue swells up."
** Buddy the Elf **

Pretty Little Princess

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving.
I believe the food was the best I have ever had.

The best part was that our sweet
Kristen came to town.

We cooked, shopped, played games, decorated 
and purely enjoyed every moment.

I have always called her my Pretty Little Princess.
When Kristen was little,
she had the Pretty Little Princess game.
She loved playing it and I might add
that so did her brothers.

Dropping her off at the airport 
would have been too much to take if 
I didn't know that we would be together
 for Christmas in a month.

Can you believe it's December?!!

I hope your day is perfectly amazing.